Homo Decentralizatus Part 2

A Never-Ending Cycle?

My Brandt
3 min readFeb 5, 2023


Humans have a tendency to be ignorant.

We have been accused of being willfully blind to facts that are inconvenient for us, of not being able to see the big picture, and of shutting out any kind of knowledge that is contrary to our beliefs.

We live in a world that is plagued by our own ignorance.

Our ignorance can have a variety of sources. We can be ignorant of the facts because we are unfamiliar with them, because we have not been exposed to them, or because we have not taken the time to learn about them.

We can also be ignorant because of our own biases and preferences.

We often categorize information and experiences in ways that fit our own worldviews and ignore anything that contradicts them.

We can also be ignorant of the consequences of our actions.

We often fail to consider the long-term effects of our decisions, focusing instead on the short-term gains.

This is particularly true when it comes to environmental issues, where the long term consequences of our actions are only now becoming apparent.

Ignorance can also be a result of our own laziness and lack of accountability. We often fail to take responsibility for our own actions and their consequences, either because we are not aware of them or because we do not want to face the truth.

This can be seen in our attitude towards climate change, where many of us have failed to recognize the need to take action despite the overwhelming evidence of its effects.

Our ignorance can also lead to conflict. When we fail to take into account the views of others or the full context of a situation, we are more likely to make decisions that are based on our own personal beliefs and preferences.

This can lead to disagreements and even violence as we attempt to impose our views on others.

The cycle of ignorance is a never ending one.

We are often unaware of the facts, our own biases, and the consequences of our actions.

We also often fail to recognize the need to take responsibility for our decisions and their impacts.

As a result, our ignorance continues to plague the world around us.

It is clear that the only way to break this cycle is through education and awareness. We need to take the time to learn about the facts, listen to the perspectives of others and consider the long-term consequences of our decisions.

Only then can we begin to make informed choices that are in the interests of all.

Decentralization involves the transfer of power and authority away from a central authority and into the hands of the individuals and groups within the system.

We need to become aware of how decentralization works and how this “Buzz” word has become increasingly popular in blockchain but as for now is it really decentralization in the way that modern nations are allowing their citizens to take more control of their lives?

Decentralization has many benefits. It can lead to greater autonomy and self-governance, as well as increased diversity and creativity.

It can also lead to increased efficiency, cost savings, and greater access to resources.

By decentralizing power, individuals and organizations can become more resilient and adaptable to changing conditions.

As the trend of decentralization continues, it is likely that we will see more people and organizations becoming increasingly independent and autonomous.

As this occurs, we will see greater

diversity, creativity and efficiency as well as greater access to resources.

Homo Decentralizatus is an important concept to understand to evolve as a species in the modern world.

By My



My Brandt

Founder of #Omimimo The Pure Water Game, #MyBrandt Est 1998, Decentralized Writer✒AI Ethicist,Blockchain Blocker, Web3 Enthusiast & Human Philosopher!