Digital Potentials 2023

What are they?

My Brandt
3 min readNov 24, 2022


It all starts with each and every one of us. Are you ready to reinvent your business for a digital world?

While the conversation about digital potentials starts with technology, it often comes back to very human questions:

How are we enabling people to be part of the digital transformation?

How are we getting in the way of the waves of the future?

Leadership, mindsets, decision making, collaboration, habits, these end up becoming our focus.

Digital potential is the integration of digital technologies into all existing or new business domains, radically transforming the way a business operates and creates value for its customers.

It took nearly 30 more years before electricity could bring the exponential gains to the economy that were promised.

It wasn’t until the next generation of engineers, who grew up in electrified factories, that factories oriented around a distributed design to dramatically unlock productivity.

Innovation happens through people and technology.

Digital transformation is capturing the imagination of organizations and pushing the boundaries of our own human understanding.

The promise of machine learning has become a rallying beacon for possibility.

To truly fulfill the digital potential of modern technologies understanding how to mitigate issues enables an organization to achieve a constant state of transition.

Digital transformation is like many other big change projects all about winning the confidence the people who are actually going to enter the data or use the system hands on.

There are three pillars to succeed with digital transformation: technology, investment and people.

We all understand that no amount of short term savings will make our businesses, more secure if the firm isn’t staying competitive in the long-term.

Portraying digital change as strategic not tactical, as inspiring not invasive, is vital.

As Winston Churchill said “we should never waste a good crisis”.

While the future is more ambivalent and uncertain than ever, we are confident that a pretty strong bet on the future is to focus on re skilling and up skilling people so that they are better equipped to adjust to change.

It’s really quite simple: the most brilliant innovation is irrelevant if we are not skilled enough to use it, and even the most impressive human minds will become less useful if they don’t team up with tech. The main implication is that when leaders think about investing in technology, they should first think about investing in the people who can make that technology useful.

Investing in those who are most adaptable, curious, and flexible might be a great turn out.Since nobody knows what the key future hard skills will be, the best action is to bet on the people who are most likely to develop them

Organizations should develop their mindset and be more open to the potential of

Digital learning through others and their experiences.

The work with organizations will evolve as they learn.

Individuals should focus on identifying valuable work rather than a wanting large volume.

People should be encouraged to consciously challenge their responsibilities and activities to rationalize less valuable ones.

Understanding how to mitigate issues enables an organization to achieve a constant state of transition.

By mindset, values, integrity, and above all, competence of leaders will stand out and be the main differentiator.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of this point, because too many business leaders operate under the false assumption that if they hire smart data scientists or buy fancy AI tools, their problems will go away, or they will somehow become more high tech.

The big difference between Google and the rest, between Amazon and the rest, between Facebook and the rest, is not the brain power of their data scientists, or the actual functionality of their technology and yes, we may see them as first in class, but their radical data driven cultures. They have harnessed amazing data assets and have great algorithms to interpret and monetize that data, but their key strategic advantage and biggest asset is that they live, breathe, and act according to the data.

Data truly is their oxygen, and that is something you cannot buy,

you cultivate it, nurture it, and harness it with time and above all, with leadership.

At the end of the day, failure is only a strategy for getting to success in the long run.

The key is to nurture curiosity, so we have options.

What do you think?

By My



My Brandt

Founder of #Omimimo The Pure Water Game, #MyBrandt Est 1998, Decentralized Writer✒AI Ethicist,Blockchain Blocker, Web3 Enthusiast & Human Philosopher!